This is a guest post by Brittany Mailhot, writer for the blog Leaving Gringolandia (find out more about Brittany down below)

Whenever I told people in Bogotá that I had decided to move to Cali, I was always met with the same type of response. It was always something along the lines of, “don’t you know it’s dangerous?” or, “you’re going to get robbed.” or even, “hopefully you make it out alive.

I didn’t believe that safety in Cali could really be that bad. The media has a way of blowing things out of proportion. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous. In fact, I barely left my apartment at all during my first week in Cali because I had no idea what might lay beyond the safety of the four walls surrounding me.

After living here for a year and a half, I can honestly say that there’s no need to be so afraid. Cali frequently ranks in the top 10 for the most dangerous cities in the world, but its bad reputation is undeserved and most of the crime happens in its most dangerous neighborhoods.

Safety in Cali: Is Cali Safe?

In short, yes and no. I know it’s not the direct answer that you were looking for, but it’s the truth.

Will you witness a shooting and see danger lurking around every corner? Probably not. Safety in Cali comes down to petty theft, which is a real issue here. You need to take the same precautions that you would take in other large cities.

Always be aware of what’s going on around you and don’t make yourself an easy target.

It also depends on what part of the city you’re in. If you go wandering into a sketchy neighborhood by yourself, you might as well put a sign that says “rob me” on your back. However, a good majority of the city is just as safe as other cities and, as a tourist, you have no reason to go anywhere dangerous.

The main reason I feel unsafe in Cali isn’t the criminal activity, but the police corruption. In the United States, I usually feel like I can depend on the police to keep me safe. In Cali, I feel like they really don’t care and they’re only interested in finding ways to fine me and take my money. In fact, the police tend to stay away from the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods.

As far as taxis go, I personally haven’t had any issues. However, it’s not the safest option if you’re alone and it’s dark out. Always opt for Uber if possible.


My experience of living in Cali

It doesn’t feel right to write an article about safety in Cali without giving you a glimpse into my own personal experience.

After four months in Bogotá, I moved to Cali in January 2017 and I’ve been here ever since. I’ve traveled extensively in Latin America, so I know what safety precautions I should take and how to carry myself.

I was, however, robbed during my first month in Cali.

I was coming back from a salsa class and a man on the street asked me for water in front of my apartment. I gave him my water bottle without thinking and began to unlock the door. He trapped me in between my two apartment doors and pulled a pocket knife on me. In the end, he only got $20.000 COP, but I was shaken up to say the least.

Oh, and when I called the police they never came.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson and I’ve been incident free ever since!


Cali’s Neighborhoods Guide

There are certain neighborhoods in Cali that are known for being safe and others that even the police won’t step foot in.

Siloé and Agua Blanca are the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city.

There are frequent shootings and criminal activity is rampant. Luckily, it would be almost impossible to end up here by accident since it’s set apart from the areas where tourists would be staying.

El Centro, which is the center of the city, should always be avoided at night. During the day, it’s a popular place for shopping on a budget (but it’s filled with people so definitely keep your eyes open for pickpockets). At night, however, it turns into a seedy and dangerous place. Take an Uber or taxi if you’re going to one of the popular clubs in this area.

Another popular place in Cali is the Tres Cruces, which is a popular hike on the weekends. However, you shouldn’t go alone and you shouldn’t bring anything valuable with you. It’s a great experience if you’re in a group, but thieves have been known to hide out and target solo hikers.

Some of the neighborhoods that are considered to be very safe are Santa Monica, Ciudad Jardin, San Antonio, El Peñon, and Granada. Chances are that if you’re staying in Cali, you’ll be staying in one of these neighborhoods. They’re relatively, but you should still be aware of your surroundings. This is especially true for San Antonio, which is where most of the hostels are located.

Tips to stay safe in Cali

In order to avoid becoming a victim of theft, there are safety precautions you can take. These are also great tips to keep in mind for other large cities!

● Don’t carry valuable items with you. If possible, leave your cell phone and carry a photocopy of your passport for identification.

● Pay attention to your surroundings. If you notice someone who looks sketchy, go into a nearby store or to an area with more people.

● Don’t use your cell phone on the street. Keep it out of sight until you’re indoors.

● Don’t wander into isolated areas alone. For example, I know a few different people who have gotten robbed in Cali for wandering along the railroad tracks where there weren’t any other people.

● Keep in mind that most thieves aren’t hardened criminals. They’re just taking an opportunity. Don’t give them the opportunity.

● If you’re walking in a crowded area, walk with your backpack in front of you.

● If you get lost, taxi drivers can be super helpful!

Even though safety in Cali is a concern, it shouldn’t stop you from visiting. So many people are too afraid and miss out on this crazy, vibrant city. With the above safety tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy Cali for what it is.

Have you ever been to Valle del Cauca? How did you feel about safety in Cali?

Brittany Mailhot is a blogger, freelance writer, and a self-declared expert on dogs and wine. She’s originally from the United States and has lived in Colombia since 2016.


View Comments

  • Been coming here yearly for 8 years. I’ve had way more problems in New York than here. Don’t go to bad neighborhoods and don’t act like an idiot and you’ll be fine.

  • Some Marine Corp buddies and I visited Cali in March of this year and we had a great time. We hired a driver who was great. After a couple of days, was out exploring alone day and night. No problems what so ever! Exchanged emails with some great people and I’m looking forward to returning next March!

  • Blame the venezuelans – nice one! For a writer claiming to offer ‘cultural insights’ – your xenophobia is very disappointing. Cali was dangerous before the Venezuelans rocked up and will be once they have gone home. Get a grip and stop pushing this racist narrative.

  • I had never come across more negative comments about CALI than here, what a shame. In my opinion Cali is fine if you use common sense, but if you carelessly move around thinking you are in Switzerland you will soon run into trouble. I would like to have shown the city to some of the guys here and show them all the fun to be had. Sorry you had a bad experience.

    • Myself and a friend/business associate are coming to Cali in April. We are evaluating the possibility of relocating to Cali and would appreciate some objective advice to make the trip productive.

  • After arriving in Cali for a couple of nights to enjoy the city and do some salsa dancing, we cancelled our plans to leave less than 24 hours later. Walking around as a couple in our early 30’s in the main tourist areas in broad daylight we felt leering eyes on us everywhere we walked, young men getting too close for comfort regardless of police and other people around. After someone trying to rob us in broad daylight in the city centre of Ipiales and pulling a knife on us only a day earlier we actually felt even less safe in Cali. We ended up having to escape into a shoe shop, cancel our plans for the afternoon and order an uber to return to our hostal. We ordered food in and we didn’t go out again. I’m sure there is beautiful salsa dancing in Medellin to enjoy ?

    • Wow Tania, your experience seems to be one of many. I am so sorry that this happened to you. It seems that petty theft and small crime seems to be getting ever more common in Colombia with the massive influx of millions of Venezuelans as well. I myself have started to avoid walking in the street to avoid exposing myself. I don't explore or wander ever!

  • Being a Cali native, I can say that Cali isn't the safest place in the world. However, most of these comments are definitely overhyping how unsafe it is here. Don't "dar papaya" (Give someone an easy chance to do something), stay out of shitty neighborhoods, and just overall don't be stupid and you'll be fine. Trust me, you won't regret you visited.

  • I was in centro on a Monday at midday with 2 freinds, and we are fairly big guys, we all compete in amuteur bodybuilding in Canada. We had just got out of our Uber and walked a mere 5 minutes, when my freind was approached by 2 attractive Colombian girls who spoke some English and being guys we were mutually flirting with them whilst walking when we were ambushed by several youths with iron and attacked senselessly, I nearly lost my eye and my freinds came off badly, although one of the kids got severe beating from me, they escaped with our belonging. The girls were in on the scam. All I’m saying is this is one huge dump of a place and the police turn s blind eye.

    • Wow that sounds absolutely horrible. Cali is known to be one of the most dangerous in Colombia. I'm so sorry about your experience.

  • I am currently in Cali. On a Sunday morning I had 2 young men try to snatch my backpack. I held pack with one hand, defending myself from persistant attacks from another with one fist. Fought off for five minutes before they gave up and ran. Cops got one, other escaped. Then just 3 days later, after buying a knife and pouch to put on belt, close to city centre by the river, accosted again. I pulled Velcro strap on pouch, he heard me looked down, saw my hand on knife, walked away......Cali.....bloody dangerous. I'm in late sixties, ex military....and don't feel safe here in slightest. I think Colombia in general is unsafe, and in few days taking flight direct out of Cali and Colombia to Panama City. Staying maybe a week or so, but heading to Costa Rica, NEVER to return to Colombia ever!

    • Wow Bill, I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I have heard of quite a lot of people getting robbed in Cali actually. I have been living in Bogota for 4 years and have never had any problems.

  • If you are under 30 especially between 16- 25 and guys, trouble is always around the corner. Some of the local youngsters didn’t take nicely to us chatting to some Colombian girls and chased us with knifes luckily we escaped. Keep your willies in your pants, it could get h killed.

  • My girlfriend and I spent one full day in Cali. While waiting for a cafe to open at triángulo park, A man attempted to rob us with a broken bottle. It was noon on a Tuesday. No thanks Cali.

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