A few months ago, I collected several confessions from both local and foreign women about what they thought about the suave latino men of Colombia.
To be honest, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses.
But today, I want to get a bit more personal. I want to tell you what I think it’s like. I want to share not only my point of view but also what I observe in my surroundings.
If you’re dating a Colombian, you’re in for a roller coaster ride of emotions. What to know exactly what you’re in for? Read on.
As always, these are generalizations, not all Colombians are the same. Obvio!
Back in the US and Europe I shamelessly made the first move. I always picked my guy. If I knew what I wanted, I would bluntly go after it. But Colombia is still a very traditional country. Girls flirt with their eyes from afar and it’s up to the guy to make the first move.
Honestly, I didn’t pick up my Colombian this way. He was amused at how direct and straightforward I was. But Colombians give foreigners more leeway. If a Colombian woman would do the same, she might come off as a fresca, know what I mean?
Oh, the many times I’ve talked to a Colombian girl that has her eyes set on someone yet doesn’t take initiative to go and talk to the guy!
She can’t get herself to make the first move, because that’s his job.
It’s an old school, machista way of thinking, but what can you do?
Once you’ve established there’s a mutual connection, let the games begin! If that’s not your thing, too bad! There’s a waiting period, who calls who, how long should you wait to call/message back, a lot of flirting, going out on dates, denying you’re anything more but friends, tralalalala.
What for? Colombian guys like the chase and want to run after a woman. Maybe it makes them think she’s selective with her choice of men?
A woman without a chase is no fun to Colombian men!
And this goes without saying that women are like magical unicorns. Their hair is always perfectly curled, they wake up with a full face of makeup, they fart roses and poo rainbows. No Colombian man would believe otherwise!
A Colombian guy will propose the date, pay for it, and take you home. Old school.
It makes them feel manly and in charge.
Essentially, it also lets you know what kind of expectations they have of a woman. A stay-at-home trophy wife maybe? If that’s your thing, there you go!
But if being a mantenida is not your cup of tea, set the record straight from the beginning and let him know you’ll pick up the tab next time!
Like everything else about dating a Colombian, there’re these absurd expectations about what a woman is supposed to look like. I mean, if he’s paying and taking charge, what did you think he was paying for? According to Colombian men, not your personality girlfriend!
As a result of these unrealistic standards, Colombia has become a top destination with some of the most renowned plastic surgeons in the world.
It’s normal for high school girls to get nose jobs. Not getting a nose job if yours doesn’t look like Barbie’s gets other colombianas like “why didn’t you do it?”
After having been in Colombia for over 3 years now, I can spot a fake booty from a mile off. And let me tell you: they’re everywhere!
Colombian guys expect their women to always be done up, dressed up, plucked, shaved and trimmed.
I’m not saying that personality doesn’t matter. But physical appearances are of utmost importance. If you’ll notice, many Colombian guys not only get manicures but they’ll put on a fresh coat of clear polish! (F**ing gay as hell if you ask me)
So unless you’re a traditional colombiana, who can keep up with that?
You don’t have to be in a super serious relationship for him to present you to his family.
Don’t think you’re something serious or special just because you’ve hung out with his family.
Understand that if you are dating him, you will also be dating his family if they live in the same city. You’ll probably have more encounters with your potential mother-in-law than your own.
Dating a Colombian guy is an intense cultural and emotional ride. You might not experience all of these but will experience one or the other to some degree.
Already dating a Colombian guy? Tell us about it in the comment box below!
This is a slightly modified version of an article originally published on Uncover Colombia
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View Comments
I'm a Colombian guy but not the typical kind. I was born in Bogota but adopted and raised in the US. I can't tell the difference between a burrito and an enchilada and I don't know bachata from salsa. People look at me and expect me to speak Spanish but all I know is gotta=cat and aeroporto is airport. I don't have sexy Spanish accent but a nasally NY/NJ one that no woman would ever find sexy. There's also zero passion in me and people often say I'm very robotic and emotionless.
I’m dating one right now we 9 year apart he is a hard working man and he doesn’t mind paying and pleasing. He keeps the house clean and wash dishes , hopefully it’s stay that way !
I date a colombian guy, he always have perfume on and wear jewelry. He expecting to shave up and dress up , make up every time. He care more about what he want more than what I want. So now I try to separate him without making him hurt
I like mine. He’s such a sweetheart but yes he is very masculine and I enjoy that.
I'm so happy for you!
I date a Colombian guy and they do not pay for anything they expect you to pay half of everything of course they are very passionate but be careful because they are extremely flirtatious they will take advantage of every change they get to try and cheat being faithful is not in there gene’s ? they are also extremely violent and loud when they get mad. I do not recommend dating a Colombian man if you are looking for a faithful partner or if you have low self esteem watch out because they are big time manipulator’s.
Lol no… sorry you got the worse 1% of Colombia
When I first met my Colombian husband he had clear nail polish on and I thought it was so odd. Luckily I get out of many of the stereotypical expectation because I’m a gringa. He does often tell me he wishes I would wear jeans more. I wear mostly skirts and dresses. I don’t understand the denim obsession – I figured showing some leg would be more appreciated. Shrug.
That’s so interesting that you mention clear nail polish, as mi “amigo” just sent me pictures of himself after his pedi-mani, lol
What's wrong with a guy getting his nails done? I thought we were trying to push for more egalitarian practices. The woman has a right to pay the restaurant check...ok no problem who wouldn't want that. Why can't the guy get his nails done? Why does it have to be gay, stop generalizing what gay people and Colombian men do...sounds like your just continuing the machista culture you don't seem to enjoy. The path to a better world is understanding complexity and with articles like these it just seems like you're creating unpleasant stereotypes. :)
Chill!! My guy gets his nails done and I pick up the restaurant bill! Just having a little fun here!
Nice article and so true!
I think this article could be also very useful for guys dating a Colombian Girl ;). They will learn what the girl is expecting for.