Categories: Cultural Insights

Confessions of Dating a Colombian Man

Colombian men and women are known for their good looks worldwide. However, good looks aren’t the only thing Colombian men are known for. Dating a Colombian man comes with its challenges to say the least.

It’s intense. You will love and laugh harder than ever before, but you might also feel other emotions exponentially: jealousy, rage and maybe even obsession.

I decided to reach out to a few women who share their experiences of meeting and dating a Colombian man.

Unfortunately, all of them but one asked to remain anonymous. They are women in their 20s and 30s who come from all different continents. Let’s see if you can spot a particular trend amongst the beautiful Colombian men of this country.

Below are the testimonials of real woman who share the particularities of dating a Colombian man.

Colombian men and dancing

“You’ll finally be aware of just how bad people dance in your country and how wonderfully lucky you are to have your dancing man.” -Anonymous

“Your experience going out with a Colombian man differs based on the region which he is from. For example, men from central Colombian are more open and it’s not as common for them to date different women at the same time. Nonetheless, they’re not as good dancers.”
-Lina from

Dating a Colombian man

“Colombian men tend to invite you to everything when you go out on a date and they’re always making sure you’re having a good time. What I can’t stand is that the majority of them are very machistas and often times date several women at once”

-Lina from

“I’ve found that Colombian guys are all about the big, empty promises. For example: “I would love to take you to Villa de Leyva” and “then when you meet my best friends…” or “I’m going to cook you this amazing meal at my finca,” which they all tend to say really early on into dating, at a time when you wouldn’t normally plan to do such serious things. And of course, they never follow through. I have no idea why they feel they need to promise all those things early on. Perhaps it’s all part of the sell? Either way, it’s annoying as fuck. When I say I am going to do something, or introduce you to someone, or say “I love you”, I say it at the appropriate time and I follow through on my promises. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.” -Anonymous

“A Colombian man requires a lot of attention. I find them very attached, demanding, and they want to be with you every second!” -Anonymous

Colombian men and sexual encounters

“I am shocked at the lack of and comfort talking about sexual health and protection. I’ve been with a couple of very well educated, sophisticated guys who tried to have sex with me the first time without a condom (and they didn’t ask if I was on birth control, either)!!! It freaked me out because I was like “Whoa, I thought you were a smart guy, this is some pretty basic stuff?!” It seems as though it is still taboo to talk about STDs and birth control, which is appalling. It’s a matter of public health!” -Anonymous

Colombian men and family

“A Colombian man bases his notion of what a woman should be like after his female family members. They expect women to be very feminine. Earrings are a MUST; if you don’t wear them, you are not a woman. The longer your hair, the most attractive you are.” -Anonymous

“Colombian men are very attached to their land and family. Most of the foreign girls I’ve met who live in Bogota have moved because of their partners. Although Colombians travel abroad, they eventually feel the need to come back to their homeland and be close to their family.” -Anonymous

“Personal space and privacy can be inexistent in many Colombian families. Information and intimate details of one’s personal life will travel across the entire family at the speed of lightning. This isn’t always so pleasant, as everyone feels entitled to their 2 cents about your relationship decisions.” -Anonymous

Colombian men and love

“Colombian men NEED women, and even if they may have many women in their lives, there is always JUST one who they will love forever.”-Anonymous

“A Colombian man loves to be pampered, and loves to be right.”-Anonymous

“Colombian men seem to be generally quite sensitive so this can be something that brings some extra drama (or romance) to relationships. Also, pick a good one as loads seem to be either unfaithful or machista, or both.” -Anonymous

“A Colombian man will treat his woman with gentleness, warmth and love. He will always look out for this woman and go out of his way to make her happy.” -Anonymous

“Colombians love European women, but they have hard time accepting cultural differences.”-Anonymous

“Conflict is a fundamental part of a relationship.”


Having a hard time yourself? You’re not alone girlfriend! Drop me a message in the comment box down below if there’s a confession you’d like to add to the list!

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  • I am not dating a Colombian guy but I have met one and I am crushing on him hard. I told him that I really liked him and he told me that he was not looking for a relationship right now. But it’s also confusing because he is very flirty: gives out flowers to me, invites me over to his place to have drinks and talk or watch a movie, he’ll tease me by tickling me or mess with my hair. He’ll come over to my place and we will drink and dance together! He has kissed me twice but says it won’t happen again. He loves to travel and loves to work in National parks. I somehow dont believe that he doesn’t not like me. I feel like he does like me but then keeps saying he just wants to be friends. I have been having feelings for this man but he is extremely confusing! I need advice or help with this.

  • vv
    Lina Assad
    9:34 PM (8 minutes ago)
    to me

    Thank you for writing this article on Colombian men. I find it very interesting. I am from the UK. I live and work in the US. I work as a Lawyer. I met a Colombian on social media we started talking about 6 months ago. He disappeared for a bit then came back telling me he did not know why we stopped speaking. .he asked to see more pictures of me and did not want me speaking to other men.or put my pictures out there. Then he said to me do you understand I asked why was he being this way he said he get jealous. He tells me he is crazy about me and he wants to be with me. I am 8 years older than him by 8 years but I do look younger. I told I am too old, he said age does not matter and I look younger and I am beautiful. But I travel for work all over the world. I am a diplomat so I am very busy so sometimes I do not have time to speak with him. He gets annoyed with time I told him to go find other girls to talk to and if he did not find anyone he could come back he told me he was not going anywhere. I went home for my birthday. My sister spoke to him and he told my sister that I must have someone else because I am sending him away. My sister told him no I am single he also told my sister to tell me he is crazy about me he always tells me this. I am being cautious when coming to matters of the heart. I do like him a lot. He is handsome and he knocks me off my feet when I am speaking to someone else from the UK. We are going to meet sometime. He told me he is close to his mother and I am very independent. He said he has not met someone as intelligent and smart and beautiful at the same time. I speak 12 languages to impress me. He wrote to me in Arabic because I am half Middle Eastern and half Scottish. I was impressed by his words telling me I have awakened all the feelings that no other woman made me feel. I was also impressed that he was communicating to me in arabic. For the time being I am enjoying the attention he says he is sincere but only time would tell he is from Bogota and Engineer. He can leave his mother. I told I can not live in Colombia . I have to travel for work and I would be moving to London for work if things work out with us fine if it does not it also ok

    Best Regards,
    Emma .

  • I am dating a Columbian man through social media . I fell in love with him right away . I’m new to the dating scene . I get overwhelmed with new sexual requests that I’m not comfortable with . Then I was told he doesn’t want to around uptight people . Then he said he said yes he loved me . I’m so confused😥

  • Help. Yes a columbian guy younger than me.. Demanding overtly sexual and prob related to a drugs barron. I’m serious. His family are shaman actually so yeah and sometimes calls me mum mama . Dances around the room thinks he can play guitar when he can’t.. Lazy .. Annoying child the cat likes him that’s it… His a genius in South American studies . I think columbian men are very strong heavy bones just strong… Hairy and crazy. He spks spanish which is nice ladies… And has doe like brown eyes. I thi k the only thing they have in common is that they are well built hairy and very sexy.. That’s it…

  • I’m in a relationship with a Colombian guy, we are in a long distance relationship now. It’s true that they asked for your time like every minute . He’s a loving man, caring and responsible. He wants me to live with him but I cant decide because we’ve been dating for 9 months . I want to know more about him. Any tips and suggestions?

  • I wish I had a better ending story and if only I would have listened to my initial intense gut feeling. I was not inexperienced with men, I had had several long term relationships, one for more than 5 years, all of them pretty positive experiences. The more stupid I feel now, falling into this “love” trap. The emotional abuse that started after the hot and sweet romance finished with my colombian lover, who seemed so reasonable and caring..i would not wish to anybody. He is controlling, manipulative, unrespectful, uncompassionable, intimidating- I am frankly traumatised by all of it. I thought he was the love of my life..:D How naive. That nasty behavour started when I fell pregnant with him, he is so insecure in his mind, maybe scared I might leave him? That he is threatening me to take our kid from me in case we separate. What could be worse to hear for a mother? I feel embarrassed that I have put my dearest fortune in the middle of that mess. It is a long and complicated story, but I just wanted to warn others- if you want a normal relationship and a family life please live with them a while before committing to anything more serious and use double protection because they are highly fertile. Take care

  • I had a horrible experience…in the beginning the guy from Colombia seemed so sweet and romantic. Others warned me but I did not listen. Six months of him pursuing me (writing me long love letters, sending me kisses, long phone calls, telling me we are ‘in a relation’ asking me to send him photos, pushing me to reply to him to call him, telling me im the only girl he speaks to) I ask him to clarify how he sees me. Because he has just written me a long beautiful love letter and I assume the best. He admits to me that he has seen me just as a friend for the past few weeks. I ask when he was planning on telling me this..I go crazy wondering when exactly he decided this. And why. Was I not pretty enough. Did he meet someone. Is he bored. Annoyed. Then I realise…if someone can fake these things there is only one explanation. They are a pig. And I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with a pig. Moved on pretty quickly after that.

  • This is article is very insightful. Anyway I’m seeing a Colombian Expat who’s 3 years younger than me. We’ve been seeing each other for nearly 2 weeks now. We hooked up during our first meeting but he didn’t really like what happened. We met up few days after and went on a trip and talked about it. He was asking why I did it and tells me that we should just forget about it. At the end of that trip, he opened up about his family, how close he is to his mom and about his ex and I also did the same. I felt that it was genuine and we’re leaning towards into something. He tells me that he likes being taken care of and likes it when I’m sweet to him. We always end our meeting with a kiss before he goes out of may car.

    Now, here’s my dilemma. On our 3rd date he’s sharing that he needs to look for a place to live, I offered help and talked to him about the listings I saw and told him we can probably get coffee and discuss more further. He tell’s me that “you’re so cute”. I responded that “I’m not really used to receiving compliments but thank you”. He then told me that “Just don’t fall in love with me”. So now that I got that message, I’m wondering if should pursue whatever is going on between us or just stop seeing him.

    Also, I just noticed that this guy doesn’t shell out whenever we go out together. I mean, I understand that he’s on a tight budget as work is not yet starting, but is it usual for a Colombian Guy not to split the bill? Or is he just using me convenience? Or does he enjoy my company? I’m also thinking that if this is not leading into something why end the bight with a kiss if he just wants us to be friends. Please note that he’s only been here for 3 weeks.

  • My experience is so far removed from all of these others. I married my Colombian boyfriend. We have been married for nearly 6 months. He is thoughtful and kind and really looks after me . Is our relationship perfect? Hell no but I know he loves me to bits and I love him to bits. There are good and bad guys out there no matter where they are from.

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