Home Living in BogotaCultural Insights 10 Facts About Colombia’s Biodiversity To Give You Yet Another Reason To Visit

10 Facts About Colombia’s Biodiversity To Give You Yet Another Reason To Visit

by bogotastic
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tayrona Colombia biodiversity

When it comes to biodiversity, Colombia is quite the connoisseur. Take a look at it people, at its landscapes and its nature and you will see that Colombia has it all. No joke!

When I first came here, I remember sitting down in a movie theater watching families take a seat and I was amazed at the racial mixes within a single family unit, all of them calling themselves Colombian. Although you’ll find different races in other countries, they’ll always identify with their origin. An Asian-American, African-American, etc. But in Colombia it’s a true melting pot. Everyone is just Colombian. Not Spanish-Colombian. Not African-Colombian. Just Colombian.

la vega Colombia biodiversity

It really is beautiful!

But asides from its people, Colombia has many more things that are endemic.
So in case you need another reason why you should visit Colombia, here are a few facts about the biodiversity of this beautiful country!

10 Facts About Colombia's Biodiversity To Give You Yet Another Reason To Visit

1. Colombia has both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.

2. Colombia has the largest variety of ecosystems in the world, with over 314 types of ecosystems. From jungle, to paramo, coral reefs, mangroves and deserts, Colombia has it all.

3. Colombia has over 6000 species of plants, 1500 species of orchids, 367 species of amphibians, 350 species of butterflies, 311 species of fish, 115 species of reptiles, 79 species of birds, 47 species of palms and over 34 species of mammals that are endemic to the country.

flower biodiversity Colombia

4. Colombia is the second most diverse country in the world, right behind Brazil and followed by Indonesia and China.

paramo biodiversity Colombia

5. Colombia is the country in the world with the greatest variety of birds and orchids.

parrot biodiversity Colombia

6. It is said that a little bit over 56,000 species live in Colombia. And this number continues to grow!

ciudad perdida biodiversity Colombia

7. Colombia is the second country in the world with the largest number of plants, amphibians, butterflies and fish.

plants biodiversity Colombia

8. Colombia is the third country in the world with the largest variety of palms and reptiles.

cocora biodiversity Colombia

9. Colombia supplies 65% of the world’s emeralds. Emeralds in Colombia are known to be the nicest and purest worldwide.


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10. This beautiful country hosts up to 10% of the planet’s biodiversity.


As colorful as this country is, Colombia’s biodiversity is a delicate ecosystem that can easily be endangered. Through exotic animal trade, mining and agriculture (particularly of cocaine plantations) as well as other things such as pollution, overfishing and chemical dumping, Colombia’s biodiversity has drastically been affected.

Currently, there are over 1000 species listed in the Red Books of Threatened Species in Colombia, the majority being plants, insects, and sea life.

So although Colombia’s beautify is yet another reason to come and explore this beautiful country, always be mindful of its delicate balance.

What you can do to preserve Colombia’s biodiversity?

Everyone can plays a part no matter how small. Here is a list of a few things you can do to help protect Colombia‘s natural habitats:

  • Do NOT buy exotic pets
  • Do NOT consume endangered species
  • Do NOT buy products that come from endangered species
  • Do NOT support activities that harm wildlife or use them for entertainment
  • Do NOT litter natural habitats when visiting
  • Do NOT touch and take home natural memorabilia.

You are just one, but imagine if everyone did the same?

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